Stephen & Gill Nicholls
Interests & Hobbies - not necessarily in order!
Working hard in the garden…
Going out for meals .…
Looking after Toby and Tom......
Helping as a Governor at Tom's School ...
Helping in St. Felix church, and at Eyke All Saints Church, where she is a Church Warden.
Gill does ALL the gardening, and loves pottering about whenever she can.
Getting frustrated with computers.
Digital photography.
Helping with the local Anglican church.
Amateur Radio [see W.A.C.R.A.L. - The World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs & Listeners ]
Going out for meals and trying to get Gill to pay for them
Walking over the local hills - if I can find any!
My days of walking the Caminos de Santiago have, I think, gone. Age related problems prevent long distance walking, but I still enjoy 3 to 4 mile walks in the local countryside.
On Pilgrimage to Santiago - walking along the path beside the river Lima and in the outskirts of the beautiful town of Ponte de Lima, the views of the town across the river were stunning.
Stephen & Gill together:
Attending and helping in the local churches.
Singing in the Community Choir [picture opposite].
Visiting local towns and villages along the Suffolk coast.
Enjoying meals in local hostelries.
Our first "big" concert - "An Enchanted Evening" - October 2013.